Weider Home Gym


Thursday, May 22, 2008

About Exercise and COPD Part 3b - Building The Home Gym

OK, so where were we? Oh yes. That's right. In part 3a we came to the realization that you have the money and the space for a gym that offers just about everything you need for the total strength training experience. You have a fitness level that is challenged by COPD (or maybe you don't), but nevertheless you are fit enough that you can wrap your mind around the notion of traditional strength training as a vehicle to a healthier you. So, what do you buy? OK, I'll answer that. But first, a story.

I have a friend. The sweetest of people I have ever known. I love this person more than anything on the earth. She has the sweetest soul you could imagine, and she has a heart of gold. I would do anything for this women, including eating my own left foot if I had to. She really is my best friend. Yet, like millions of consumers out there, she is a tad on the gullible side when it comes to shopping for her fitness needs. She is a home shopping junky, and one day, while getting her HSN fix, she spotted what I will only refer to as "The Abdominator". I won't use the actual name of the product, for that would be more flattery than it deserves. Suffice it to say that this contraption was the biggest T-Total, colossal piece of garbage anyone could spend fives cents on, let alone the $150.00 it cost her to buy it. Sheeesh! And it was hazardous, too. Just climbing into the damn thing was more dangerous than playing leap frog in a Baghdad mine field. It was ridiculous.

Now I ask you, reader, what do you think happened with my friends "Abdominator"? I'll give you two guesses. Nothing and nothing. Unless, of course, you consider collecting dust under her bed as being something.

Granted, she had the best of intentions, that's for sure. Yet, I think even she would have to admit that she was not really ready to make a commitment. However, she did have enough motivation that if this product had yielded results within the first couple of workouts, no doubt she would have continued to use it. But the product didn't work, and so she lost interest.

My point in mentioning the above story is to get you to understand that a) you need to be ready to make a commitment. Don't waste money on strength training tools if you have not decided to be serious about your fitness goals; and b) of the many options you have when it comes to buying fitness equipment, the one you MUST avoid at all costs is the "equipment that isn't worth a garbage" option. And believe me, the fitness equipment industry is loaded with heaping, steaming piles of the the stuff. Now, on with the meat and potatoes of this column.

Bands and cables are fine, and so are pushups. But what about pumping iron, baby! You have thought it and thought about it. True, you lack the raw experience, but you want the feel of it. You want to feel cold steel in your hands. You want sweat pouring off you brow and you want to know what it feel like to breath like a freight train. What do you do?

Well, you might consider the use of a Smith Machine or something similar. Below is a picture of a similar type machine that would fall into the class of Smith Machines. For a look at what a Smith Machine looks like, you can head over to this place.

I love the advantages that a piece of equipment like this brings to the table. This particular Smith-Machine-like device is called the IM2000. This model can be fitted with accessories. Not only can you do basic movements like squats, deadlifts, shrugs and bench presses with extreme safety, but add-on tools will permit you to perform just about any other exercise you can imagine.

Self-Spotting machines like the one above are SAFE. Systems like this allow you many of the benefits of free weight training, while eliminating almost all of the risks inherent to free weight lifts. As you can see, this model takes up relatively little space and can easily handle multiple hundreds of pounds. As a total gym, I can't recommend it enough.

The price of one of these gems (gyms) is reasonable, but it ain't chicken feed. You are looking at spending between $1000.00-2000.00 depending on which company you go with. Moreover, you will more than likely have to assemble at least some of it. So, get out your tools.

Now, you may be asking yourself, "Look, I have COPD and I am not sure that building muscle is something I can do. Should I really be considering this"? Hell Yes! You most certainly should build muscle and, yes, you should consider this. Look, the more muscle and strength you have on your upper shoulders, back, ribs, diaphragm and chest, the stronger you will be and the stronger your breathing will be. Not only that, but progressive resistance training of this type places stress on your bones and joints in such a way as to make them stronger as well. Furthermore, certain movements like squats and deadlifts compress the diaphragm and expand the airways in such a way as to help clear them better than many types of exercise.

OK, so a smith machine seems like a great way to go. But what if you want the experience of moving an actual weight that is not already locked into place? What if you want to impove your balance as well as speed? Well, this too is achievable, but you will need a tad more space, a tad more money, and you will need a bit more courage. Lastly, you might consider getting a training partner.

In part 3c, we will look into this option in detail. Stay tuned.

To learn more about Strength Training For The Management of Cystic Fibrosis and other forms of CPOD, click here.

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