Weider Home Gym


Monday, March 31, 2008

About Exercise and COPD Part 2 - The Home Gym

In my previous column I wrote a terribly lengthy and somewhat rambling (my apologies) piece on some of the obstacles preventing many people from starting fitness programs. I then expounded a bit further by extrapolating the argument in order to apply it to people who have medical challenges. The point of that column was that if it is hard for basically healthy people to get motivated to exercise, how much harder then is it for people who are not healthy? In this column, I intend to develop the idea a bit further, with the ultimate objective of offering a strategy for overcoming the obstacles that prevent us from achieving the active, healthy and vibrant lifestyle we all aspire to have.

Having been born with Cystic Fibrosis, I know all about struggle. At times, I feel like every day of my life has been a battle. I have had to fight for just about everything I have ever wanted, not the least of which is the very privilege of being able to breath and stay alive. Exercise and dogged determination has always been, and continues to be, my best asset. Admittedly, I am stubborn to a fault and downright mean a good amount of the time. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that to know me is to love me or hate me. I am not bragging mind you. Far from it. I can look back over my relatively scant 44 years and see the numerous occasions where I have made an imbecile of myself. I can see the countless times I've shown my ass. I can count on maybe 1 1/2 hands the number of true friends I have in this world, and boy oh boy have I lost count of the number of people I have pissed off. Clearly though, it is my occasionally combative nature that has gotten me this far with my illness. I was ideally suited for Cystic Fibrosis and I WILL beat this fucker into the ground before it is over (pardon my French).

As tenacious as I am, I still encounter obstacles that I have had to circumvent in order to move closer to my objective of optimum health. I use the word "circumvent" strategically, because sometimes in life you find that the best way to deal with an obstacle is not to go through it, but somehow around it. And I can guarantee you that if you are reading this column, and you also happen to have some form of COPD, I know the challenges you are facing when considering exercise as a form of therapy. So let not your heart be troubled for I am about to give you a strategy to help you deal with one of those obstacles. First, let us identify one of the biggest obstacles facing anyone with COPD who wants to get fit and strong.

Gyms today are all the rage. Yet, for all of the popular advantages of commercial gyms, there are several key drawbacks that increasingly polarize people. More and more, gyms are becoming a place for "the beautiful people", and the very folks that need to be there are the very people that are going to be turned off by that sort of elitist atmosphere. Gyms are also becoming increasingly overcrowded, which is counterproductive if what you are looking is an efficient, intense workout program. Nothing destroys a quality workout like having to wait 15 minutes for a pair of 15 lb. dumbbells, or a leg extension machine for Pete's Sake!

Then there are the rules, which are getting positively ridiculous, absurdly asinine and wholly unacceptable. Can you believe that in some gyms you are not allowed to even grunt when you lift a weight? No lie! You can get kicked out of some gyms for merely grunting to loud! In some "gyms" no chalk is allowed. What, you ask? No chalk? Are you kidding me? And get this......and I kid you not.....in some gyms.....NO COUGHING IS ALLOWED. I am totally serious about this. I have seen it with my own eyes.

Now, I understand the reasoning behind the last rule. I really do. But rules like the last one hardly make a gym a comfortable home away from home for anyone with breathing difficulties. The fact that you may not be contagious is irrelevant. The bottom line is that some gyms just do not want "sickly" people working out there. So, where does that leave someone who needs to exercise in order to stay healthy?

Trust me when I tell you that people who are chronically ill already have certain sensitivities they carry on their shoulders, and gyms with rules like this last one about coughing will only make someone with a chronic illness that much more self conscious, and therefore less likely to pursue a workout program. This is one of those obstacles that needs to be overcome if anyone with COPD stands a chance at getting fit and strong. Luckily, their is an incredible workaround to the above obstacles facing us in commercial gyms:

It's called THE HOME GYM

Training at home has significant advantages over training at commercial gyms, and the advantages are numerous. This is particularly true for people with chronic medical challenges. Training at home gives you the freedom to just be yourself, without having to worry about the prying and judgmental eyes of gym staff just waiting for an excuse to get rid of you. Training at home permits you immediate access to the exercises you want to perform. There is no need to timidly stand by while some 240 lb. X-Man hogs the dumbbell rack. When you train at home, you choose your own music, your own equipment, you wear whatever clothing suits you etc. Most importantly, if you have some sort of medical challenge, training at home allows you the piece of mind that comes with knowing that you can manage your particular illness on an as needed basis when you work out. For some people, like myself for example, this is very important.

In addition to having CF, I also have a touch of asthma. This "double whammy" of challenges is not easy to manage. Sometimes when training, breathing becomes difficult and I may find myself coughing or wheezing, or both. I may need to grab my inhaler. And if the symptoms are bad enough and persist, I may need to take a breather. This can happen without warning, and often does happen.

At a gym (and I speak personally here) I am somewhat self conscious when this happens. I don't particularly enjoy being gawked at when my symptoms become acute. I would much rather be in the privacy of my own home where I can comfortably manage my symptoms when the need arises. In this way, I am comfortable because I do not have to worry about what others think. Granted, I would never presume to speak for everyone managing some form of chronic illness. Maybe you have COPD, but maybe you are not as self-aware as I am. In that case, this article is not meant for you, but I wonder how many people with some form of COPD feel like I do? Can any of you relate to this? If you can, than this series of articles is for you.

If you have COPD, and you want to work out to get fit and strong, and you have avoided commercial gyms for any of the the reasons listed above, and if you have thought about a home gym, then your next question should be this: "OK, so I want to build a home gym. How do I do it? What is the best way to go about working out at home, safely and productively?" That, ladies and gentlemen, is the 10K dollar question. We will provide the answers in part 3 of this series. Stay tuned.

To learn more about Strength Training For The Management of Cystic Fibrosis and other forms of CPOD, click here

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Romantic Getaway With A Honeymoon Vacation Package

Many think that selecting the best honey moon vacation package is very difficult. It is not so in reality. There are so many honey moon vacation packages are available for you to choose from. Honey moon time is relaxation time, enjoying time and time for understanding the spouse. Hence select the package quickly and be free.

The selection of the honey moon package is easy if you follow the procedure mentioned here. First select the money you want to spend and the destination you want see with your spouse. Select the package that suits your requirement of the both. That is all about selecting the best honey moon package.

Choosing a Honeymoon Vacation Package

There is little suggestion for those who are planning for the honey moon regarding the places best for them. They are couples negril, adventure spa palace, sandals grande st lucian, grand lido braco and secrets excellence punta cana.

Couples negril

This is located in Jamaica. It is a beach resort. This is the perfect place for the honeymoon, if the couples beach lovers. The atmosphere and the climate will be excellent here. The couples need not worry about the privacy, as this is adults only beach resort. The place is calm. There are many travel companies are offering best honeymoon packages. Some companies are offering free sunset catamaran cruise in order to attract the newly wed couples.

Sandals grande st Lucian

This is located in st Lucia. The natural beauty of this honey moon resort is simply superb. This of course one of the recent addition to the already existing trio of sandal resorts. This resort is located near pigeon Island Park.

Secrets excellence Punta Cana

This is the other best location for the honey moon. This resort is located in the coastline of Cana. This is much secluded place hence perfectly suited for the newly wed couple for their romantic play. This is an adult only place; hence the couples need not worry about their privacy. This resort runs parallel to the beach line. This way this resort differs from the other resorts. Many travel companies are operating in this area and some of them offer free transport from airport to this place. Some other companies offer a bottle of champagne, dinner at any one of the restaurant, plate of tropical fruits etc as a free gift to the couple.

D Fraser writes and publishes articles related to the travel and vacation industry. For more articles and resources to plan a honeymoom vacation or travel tips visit our website at Travel Tips.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Exercising At Home Or The Gym - Which Is Better?

So, you have made the decision to get started exercising. Congratulations, that's a big first step. But, have you decided how you are going to begin your exercise routine? Will you be joining a gym or health club or will you be working out at home? Which is best? With all the differences it can sometimes get confusing, so let's take a quick look.

Exercise At Home

No doubt, exercising at home offers up several distinct benefits.

- You can exercise when it's convenient for you. There is no having to go work out during a certain set of hours.

- It's less expensive. Health club membership can get expensive in a hurry. Add in the high price of gas and you can spend a nice chunk of change every month.

- You are exercising by yourself and not in front of a large group of people. You don't have to be concerned with how you look.

- You do not have to wait on someone to finish using a machine before you can get on it.

Exercising At The Gym

Going to the gym or health club also has its share of positive benefits as well.

- The selection of weights and equipment is enormous. You'll find the newest work-out machines.

- You'll have a wide variety of ways to exercise. From swimming in the pool, to playing basketball in the gym, a club offers up a variety that is hard to find at home.

- A club will have various types of exercise classes you can join and stay motivated. It's also a great opportunity to meet new people and have some fun.

As you can see, there are numerous advantages to exercising at home or the gym. There is no best one. The best advice is to sit down and make your own list of pros and cons that affect you personally and then come to a good decision based on your answers. Either way, the key is to simply get started.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

By the way, you can find out more about Exercising At Home Or The Gym as well as get 101 Every Day Tips To Lose 10 Pounds by visiting http://www.101TipsToLose10Pounds.com

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Home Gym Decor Need Not Be An Exercise In Frustration

The decision to build a home gym is ultimately a commitment to your health, well-being and to your body but it need not be an exercise in frustration or in one of futility. The road to looking good is about more than just feeling good and feeling confident, it's about creating a home gym space with decor that is at once functional but is also able to speak to your goals, and to your personality. The advantages of building a gym at home are many, not the least of which include privacy should you prefer or require it; a time savings otherwise spent traveling to and from the gym; never having to wait for a machine or apparatus to free up; and of course, the convenience of working out at your own pace, on your own time, and at your own convenience. In fact, a recent survey by the International Health, Racquet and Sports Association (IHRSA), revealed that fully 67% of people who go to fitness centers also own home exercise equipment.

The creation of your home gym space should start with the physical space itself. Much like a home office, trying to find a space to work or workout it is almost as challenging as the task itself. If, however, your goal is to create a workout regimen, a dedicated space should be your goal from the outset. Plan accordingly.

Your home gym can be as simple or as sophisticated as your budget can afford. It may be as simple a space for a skipping rope and a set of dumbbells. It may require a little more room to position a yoga mat and a Pilates ball affording you the ability to stretch without limitation. Or it may demand ample space for a fully equipped gym including your elliptical machine, treadmill, rowing machine and your full weightlifting system. A home gym space within your bedroom affords privacy. A home gym in the family room may offer additional stimulation offered by the television.

Finally, the creation of a home gym decor scheme ultimately comes down to you. At the very least it should provide stimulation and motivation. As such, four decor elements can help you reach your goals. The first is a mirror so you can monitor your progress. The second is motivational posters. Again, you may choose to borrow from your home office, the other home space where success is the prime motivator in completely the task at hand. The third d?cor element is celebrity posters of your choice. It may be a red carpet moment. It may be a bathing suit on a beach. In either instance, it helps create an image in your mind to which you can aspire. The last, borrowing elements from each of the three previously listed comes from the world of sports. Whether a team, a sport or an individual player success, motivation and peak performance are fully imbued in the sports heroes we pay homage to. And with those million dollar salaries earned, why not make them work for you?

Emile Postly is a freelance home decor writer with a passion for food and its presentation in a celebration of life. With style. Emile has over 40 years experience of celebrating life. With style. And over 20 as a writer. Visit http://www.simpyhomedecor.com to discover some of the treasures picked up along the way.

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Is Home Gym for You?

If you want to build up your muscle as well as your fitness goals at home, you should set up a comprehensive workout schedule based on your personal goals and ability. You can find all the necessary information online or on DVDs. It is really not hard to find a program that best suit your needs today with the aid of search engine.

You may think that to build up your muscle requires you a lot of times and energy everyday, but it is not the case. The goal of working out at home is to increase your RMR and to achieve lean muscle as the final output. You can easily losing your body fat without having to work out everyday as long as you stick to your work out schedule. Home gym doesn't usually require you to have a lot of cardiovascular exercise, it will rather require you to do different sets of strength training in order to transform the unneeded fat into muscle.

When developing a workout schedule by yourself, there are several things you should keep in mind.

First, you should keep your focus on muscle strength tanning instead of cardiovascular exercise. Once your body get used to the strength training exercise, you will be able to achieve your goal in a much faster rate. To achieve the maximum effect of the tanning, you should vary the kind of exercise with different repetitions and rest periods.

Home gym is not easier than any of the real world fitness tanning program. You need to have a clear and well rounded work out schedule. You will not be able to gain muscle and lose fat if you don't stick to your plan.

Consistent is the key to success in home gym. Finding a good home gym training program is not difficult nowadays with the aid of internet, but no one is going to help you if you don't stick to your plan. Even if you are able to find the best program in this world, you will not see the result if you merely spend once a week to carry it out. Any home gym product you see in the market can be a nice choice for you, but you have to make sure you have enough time sticking to the plan. To get started, you should find a less complex machine to see if this is the right thing for you. Home gym is for you if you are fully committed to this exercise.

Any of the products mentioned in the home gyms review could be a good choice for consumers looking to exercise at home. People who are looking to do light exercise could choose a smaller, inexpensive and less complex home gym, while people who are fully committed to build strength would be better advised to buy a larger home gym with more features. The main point to keep in mind is that there is a home gym on the market for everyone.

For more information about the Best Home Gym or Discount Home Gym program in the market, please refer to Home Gym Secret.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Rubber Flooring , An Important Part Of The Home Gym.

Thinking about setting up a home exercise room? Have a home exercise room?

You may be focused on weight benches and free weights. You may spend a lot of time thinking about weight machines. You might also have done a lot of research, trying to find just the right cardio equipment.

But have you thought about that other important piece of home gym equipment: home gym flooring? After all, your exercise room flooring will keep your floors cushioned from the weight of your fitness machines. Your exercise room flooring will also help to protect you from injuries or damaged joints.

Think about fitness center flooring. Most gyms that you go to have shock absorbing, rubber flooring. It absorbs the shock of impact and is comfortable for running and walking and a variety of other activities as well.

Not only does rubber fitness flooring absorb the impact from a number of activities, but also it will absorb the impact of dropped free weighs and rack weights that are not set down smoothly.

There are other reasons why fitness centers use rubber flooring as well. To begin with, rubber fitness flooring is particularly easy to clean ? both in terms of dirt and dust that are tracked in on users' shoes and in terms of occasional spills of water or sports drinks.

It is for these same reasons ? safety, shock absorption and ease of cleaning and maintaining ? that rubber fitness flooring is also an excellent choice for the home gym.

You will be able to use rubber fitness flooring to protect your floor surface from the pressure of your weight and cardio machines. You will be able to used rubber fitness flooring to keep those same machines from sliding on your floor, from scratching the surface.

When you are using free weights, you will have less reason to worry about damage that could be caused by dropping free weights. Similarly, when lifting free weights you will find that rubber fitness flooring in your home gym can provide you with better balance and stability ? which can help to improve your form while lifting.

And, just as you will have to worry less about the impact of a dropped weight on your home gym flooring, you won't have to worry about maintaining your home exercise room floor either. Care will be simple and easy ? a regular dry dusting and a n occasional pass with a wet mop and your exercise room flooring will be taken care of.

Just as care and maintenance of your rubber home gym floor will be simple, so will be the installation. Rubber fitness flooring can be purchased in simple interlocking tiles.

Rubber fitness flooring is not only easy to install but can be purchased in a variety of colors ? colors that will match any d?cor. Whether you want a uniform look for your home gym flooring or you want to have a variety of colors, you will be able to create just the right look for you.

And you will not have to worry that the look won't last: rubber fitness flooring is the perfect idea for any home gym because it is made to last.

Interlocking rubber flooring for the home gym is durable. It is easy to maintain and just as easy to install. And, even more importantly, it will provide safety and stability ? for you, your equipment and your home.

Phil Frank is a veteran of the rubber industry, with a long history of sport product innovation. Phil is the CEO of http://www.fitnessrubber.com, the webs leading manufacturer and distributer of specialty rubber products for the fitness industry.


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Monday, March 24, 2008

Workout Like A Professional With A Weider Home Gym

One can exercise very conveniently from home with the Weider Home Gyms. You can buy them directly from the manufacturer at very reasonable prices, most are below $1000.

The Weider Home Gyms are designed specifically with economy of space and ease of use in mind. Most of these machines are collapsible and can be stored somewhere out of the way until you want to use them. The compact design allows it to be used in the home or apartment without taking up a lot of living space.

Depending on which muscles that you want to exercise, different pieces of Weider home gym equipment can be used. If your purpose is a full body workout then owning a home gym would be the appropriate choice.

With the Weider home gym equipment that comes with two complete stations for the arms, back, legs, and chest, there is not a muscle in your body that you cannot exercise.

The Weider home gym equipment gives you a machine with resistance up to around 400 pounds that you can use to do more than 65 different workout exercises. Only a few years ago you would have that to go to the gym for that versatility in your workouts.

These home gym machines have power rod technology that gives you a power workout in the convenience of your own home.

They have different models of machines including the Weider Max Weight System, Weider 1120, and the Weider Home Gym Advantage.

The Weider Advantage can work nearly every muscle in the body and thereby gives you the option for varying your routine and gaining the most benefit from a well-rounded workout. You can, just like the serious bodybuilders, target your biceps one day, chest muscles the next, your legs the next day, etc.

People of different body types and different fitness levels can benefit from Weider Home Gyms. There are even serious bodybuilders who make use of them.

Apart from the versatility of these machines they also carry a brand-name, which through many years of excellent service has developed a respected reputation for quality and value for money.

It does not matter if you want to include toning into your weight loss program or if you want to build muscles for a stronger physique, the Weider home gym equipment has what it takes to help you attain your goal.

Find more home fitness and diet information at BestDietFitness.com, include advice on how to pick a home gym.

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Protect Your Home Gym And Yourself With Rubber Fitness Flooring

There are a number of reasons why people choose to set up a home gym. For some, it's because they feel more comfortable working out in the privacy of their own homes. For others, they look at the cost of buying equipment outright in comparison to paying a monthly membership fee to a local gym.

However, regardless of why you made the choice to set up a home gym and regardless of what equipment you have bought or are planning to buy, there is one thing that must not be overlooked: exercise room flooring.

Rubber fitness flooring can protect the floors of your home from being scratched by your home gym equipment. Not only will your floors be protected from scratches that could be made either by your equipment or by dropped free weights, but your home gym equipment ? and your joints ? will also be protected.

With athletic rubber floors, your home gym will provide you with the same comfort and floor support that you would find if you were working out in the gym. In addition to the comfort provided by the way that rubber fitness flooring absorbs shock and impact, you will also find that this durable flooring solution will provide you with slip resistance and greater stability. And, in addition to providing you with flooring that will help protect your home gym floor and your body, you will find other benefits to using rubber fitness flooring.

Among the benefits of using a rubber gym floor in your home gym is that you will have a durable, long lasting surface that allows for quick and easy clean-up. You will be able to tackle any spills that may occur in your home gym with a wet mop and to clean up any dirt and dust that have been tracked in with a dry dusting mop.

You will also be able to customize the look of your home gym as rubber fitness flooring comes in a wide variety of colors; you will be able to use rubber fitness flooring to create a home gym that fits the look of your home.

This style of flooring is not just easy to look at and to maintain. Using rubber fitness flooring to customize the look of your home gym is simple. Most rubber gym floors are created using interlocking tiles: tiles that connect on all sides to create a virtually seamless appearance that works well in any home.

Using our online calculator you will be able to purchase only as many interlocking floor mats as you need and you will be able to install them yourself without tools or any other hassle.

Why worry about the challenge of maintaining a wood or linoleum floor in your home gym when you could instead have a hassle-free rubber gym floor? Why install a floor that needs to be protected by rubber mats that you feel the need to put away when they are not in use? After all, with rubber fitness flooring, you can easily maintain your home gym floor.

And when you are less worried about getting and keeping the floor of your home gym in good shape. you will have more time to focus on the gym's real purpose: getting and keeping yourself in good shape.

Phil Frank is a veteran of the rubber industry, with a long history of sport product innovation. Phil is the CEO of http://www.fitnessrubber.com, the webs leading manufacturer and distributer of specialty rubber products for the fitness industry.

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Building Your Own Home Gym

With the busy lifestyle we all live these days, making the time to travel to and spend at the local gym on a weekly basis can often be simply impractical. If you?re serious about getting fit and healthy, building a home gym may be the recipe to get into shape.

When looking to build a gym, you need to think seriously about exactly what exercises are right for you before investing in expensive gym equipment.

Write down a clear plan for your new gym, what you need, and how much to spend. Start your search with second hand gym equipment, this can save literally thousands of dollars, often for near new fitness equipment.

So What Should Be Included In Your Gym?

- Free Weights

Free weights are one of the most diverse pieces of equipment to purchase for your gym whether you?re a serious body-builder or just getting started. Free weights can include basic dumb-bells, a bench press machine, barbells or weight plates. Free weights can also be used with stand-alone exercises to add resistance. One advantage of buying free weights is that you?ll use them the first day you use your gym, and you?ll still be using them three years down the track. When purchasing dumb-bells, it is a good idea to buy a set that includes a bar and separate weights, rather than molded dumb-bells. This means you can simply add heavier weights as you progress.

You should also think about getting a bench with your weights. There are a wide range of benches available, from fully adjustable benches to basic stationary benches. Although benches seem to be a very basic aspect, spending a little extra can expand your options for a range of muscle building exercises. I suggest choosing at minimum a bench with a basic incline option.

- Multi-station Equipment

Another good option is going with a multi-station gym center. These can be costly, but are an excellent option for simulating popular free-weight exercises, while keeping your gym compact. Before committing to one piece of equipment, discuss your goals with a fitness expert and make sure you will take full advantage of the machines features.

- Variable-Resistance Equipment

What are variable resistance machines? Think Nautilus? or Bowflex?. These are some of the more popular variable resistance machines providing a controlled alternative to free-weight training.

The main benefit of variable resistance equipment is the constant resistance in the range of movement for the particular muscle group you are training. Another advantage over traditional weight training is that by working with constant resistance, you make the muscle stronger and you do it much faster than traditional techniques.

This type of training also allows you to work as much or as little on specific muscle groups to reach your goals. There is the benefit of working that resistance through a greater range of movement that it is one of the most time-effective workout methods.

Adding variable-resistance equipment to your home gym is a good way to add structure to your workouts, working on tone as well as building muscle.

Portability is another major bonus of variable-resistance equipment. These pieces of equipment tend to take up little space and can often be easily dismantled for storage.

As far as which is best, free weights or variable-resistance, each has it?s own advantages depending on your specific fitness goals.

Home Gym Space

Now we?ve covered basic equipment, it?s time about to think about where you?re going to setup your home gym. Ideally you want to find a space that can get plenty of fresh air, a room with a view if you choose. If space is an issue, you may decide to go with a portable home gym, maybe a spare room that can be cleared when guests come. If you are going to be moving your gym equipment in and out, it?s a good idea to stay away from multi-station equipment, as these can be a recipe for disaster when moving. Garages can also be a good place for a home gym as the space is out of the way, generally well ventilated, and a good private place to work out.

Adding a television or stereo to your gym can also be a good idea. Many people soon find the motivation slipping, boredom setting in, and the gym being used less and less. Televisions and stereos are a great way to keep entertained while working out and keep progress on track.

LifestyleSmoothies.com offers free advice and information on living a healthy lifestyle while enjoying the food we eat. Visit our site today for free information and great free fruit smoothie recipes

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Secrets Of The Bowflex And Home Gyms Revealed In These Free Videos

Home gyms can be huge pieces of exercise equipment that take up an entire room. Or they can be a single piece of equipment that fits nicely into the corner. Some Bowflexes don't require their own addresses in your home, and yet it's one of the most powerful home gyms on the market.

People who use the Bowflex for twenty minutes a day, three days a week have reported amazing results in the strength and tone of their bodies, as well as improved weight loss. The low impact Bowflex Power Rods reduce or eliminate the joint pain that often occurs when lifting free weights. And they provide even resistance for a consistent workout.

Bowflex offers an unconditional money back guarantee for people who are skeptical of the exclusive Power Rod system for weight training. You can use the Bowflex in their homes for up to six weeks, and if you're not happy with it for any reason, return it for a full refund. (But you pay the shipping and handling on the return. It's supposed to go back in the original box with EVERYTHING returned to get your refund)

Weider makes the competitive home gym, the Crossbow. Often compared to Bowflex for its similarly designed exercise equipment, the crossbow is fairly large, so you'll likely need an entire room to set it up in- or the basement, the whole basement.

Why is it called Crossbow? Take a look at one on the web. And think Robin Hood. Now, it's not lethal, but it looks like it could be. Maybe it makes you think powerful thoughts while you're developing powerful muscles.

Weider built "only" 65 different exercises into a single machine as compared to 90+ for Bowflex. But 65 should be plenty for most of us.

Popular exercises for this style of home gym include chest press, incline fly, leg press, bent over row and shoulder press. Like Bowflex, this is both a cardiovascular and weight training machine and allows both forms of exercise on a single piece of exercise equipment.

The Crossbow uses a system they call Compound Resistance, which is meant to provide a full range of motion. You can easily change the amount of resistance, meaning you don't waste time changing weights.

Another feature of the Crossbow that you won't find on Bowflex home gyms is the "lat tower". This helps you strengthen your lats, traps and shoulders.

The reason most people choose a Crossbow over a Bowflex is because of the price difference- Crossbows are far less expensive. You may also find you have a better range of motion with a Crossbow, and more weight resistance.

Trailing these two competitors is the Bodycraft home gym. It's a complete weight training exercise equipment machines, but only for weight training. With the optional Leg Press unit, it mirrors professional ones in an in-home unit.

The Bodycraft doesn't offer any form of aerobic exercise to build up your endurance. It is strictly for weight training, which builds strength in specific muscles.

Bodycraft home gyms differ from both Bowflex and Crossbow in that they use the traditional weight system rather than resistance training.

Brian Hickie has reviewed the bowflex treadclimber, bowflex treadmill, bowflex sport and bowflex revolution on video as well as in a free newsletter. If you want to read or watch these reviews click this link to get them ===> bowflex revolution

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Exercise Equipment For A Home Gym

Attending a Gym or Health Club can be a very rewarding pastime. Those that go to the gym love to exercise and stay fit, they love that feeling of being fit and healthy, however most people just can?t seem to find the time or the motivation these days, with work demands or the thought of having to get off that comfortable couch and face that long drive to the gym, it?s getting more and more difficult to consistently get there.

One of the ways around those obstacles would be to invest in a Home Gym. It doesn?t have to be fancy or very expensive, just a basic Home Gym will suffice. Here are some advantages of have a home gym:

- No more travelling to and from the gym.
- No waiting around for someone to finish their set.
- More time available at home.
- No more silly music ? you can choose your own.
- Better concentration, no distractions.
- No Gym fees.
- You can exercise anytime day or night 7 days a week.
- You only need a medium sized floor space.
- Greater control of hygiene at home.

So what Exercise Equipment do I need for a Home Gym?

That depends on your goals, your budget, and your floor space. Assuming that your budget is fair (a home gym is really not that expensive) and your floor space is a decent size, you need to consider your exercise goals. What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to:

- Lose weight and get Fit?
- Build Muscle Size?
- Build Strength?

To Lose Weight and get Fit

You?ll need a Treadmill, an Exercise Bike and a Rowing Machine. 20 minutes on each as a circuit. Increasing the resistance at every session or as you see ?fit?. The increase in resistance is important to induce an anaerobic effect, this is a great way to lose weight and build fitness.

To Build Muscle Size

You?ll need an Exercise Bike for a warm up and cool down. A Squat Rack, a Bench, Barbells, Dumbbells and weights. This is sufficient to build muscle size, however, you will need to lift heavy weights to induce muscle growth. If you?re lifting heavy weights you will need someone there to help for those heavy sets.

To Build Strength

You?ll need the same as above for muscle size, but you could also use a Power Rack with safety pins. To build strength you?ll need to lift very heavy weights for low repetitions so safety is of great importance and you will need someone there to help when going very heavy.

You can always search the web for a more detailed exercise routine that will suit your goals. You should also, before starting any exercise program, get the go ahead from your GP or health professional.

So all you?ll really need to set up a home gym is about 3 to 4 pieces of exercise equipment with weights. You don?t need to spend thousands on a home gym when the basics will be enough for you to complete your goal.

Should I get New or Used?

It?s not that important whether the equipment is new or used or refurbished, just make sure it is of high quality and you can depend on it. Some people prefer new some used, some people prefer refurbished because it looks new and has a high quality but isn?t as expensive as brand new. It all depends on your personal preferences.

The important thing is that anyone can set up a basic Home Gym to suit your needs, it really is not that difficult or expensive. If you would like more information on Home Gyms new or refurbished, visit http://www.explosivemusclegrowth.com/Exercise-Equipment.html

Darren O'Connell - has over 20 years experience in Muscle Growth, Health, Fitness, Fatloss and Nutrition - http://www.explosivemusclegrowth.com/explosive-muscle.html

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Discount Fitness Equipment for Your Total Home Gym

Are you stuck in the treadmill rut? Do you have great leg muscles but no upper body strength? And how about those abs?

The obvious answer is to have a variety of machines in your home gym. But, how can you afford great equipment on a budget?

Let's just say for example you want to round out your gym with ProForm fitness equipment. You are going to want to have a cross trainer, stationary bike and a resistance machine. That will cover your needs for not only strength and agility training.

You might pick out a ProForm PF 960 Station, a ProForm 900 CardioCrossTrainer and a ProForm PS PF Recumbant. What are your chances of getting something like that in your price range?

The good news is that you will often be able to find the exact exercise equipment you want at a good discount. Not only that, you will probably be able to find it in your city. Your hunt will be even more successful if you are open to buying either a slightly different model in the same brand or even a different brand with similar quality.

If you are only interested in buying new equipment, it would not matter where you get it from. In that case, you just need to do some comparison shopping in your area, make a list of the equipment that you want - with alternates and then start looking for it.

On the other hand, you will usually get the best deal by buying used equipment. In that case, you will want to actually try out the fitness equipment before you put your money down.

Finding the Discount Fitness Equipment You Have Chosen

There are four great places to look for the discount exercise equipment you have chosen. Whether you are buying new equipment or are eager to save even more buy checking out used equipment, these will work for you.

1) Local Fitness Equipment Retail Stores. Stores will often have sales, discontinued models and returned items. Not only that, they will often have a bulletin board where notices can be places for used items for sale, You may also put up a want ad notice. Sales personel may also be aware of people who have equipment for sale.

2) Local Health Clubs. Health clubs routinely turn over their equipment, they maintain it well and their equipment will be deeply discounted because of heavy use. If you were plannning to use this equipment for a health club, you probably should avoid this avenue. However, this equipment should be perfect for a home gym.

Go to http://www.exercisementor.com/recomments/discountfitness.html now for two more great resources from Doctor 'X'.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How Do I Buy The Right Home Gym?

If you decided that you are going to be working out on a regular basis, you may have thought about buying a home gym. When it comes to home gyms, tips for purchasing home gyms is a good idea to take advantage of.

Taking heed of some of the following tips for purchasing home gyms can really help you find the best one for you and your needs. Not only that but you will be better able to find one that is good for your personal fitness goals.

One of the first tips for purchasing home gyms is to get permission from your doctor first. That way they can guide you to the best one for you personally. Not only that, but they will be better able to guide you towards equipment that is easy to use. The easier to use that the equipment is, the less likely that you are going to hurt yourself while working out. One thing to remember with the ease of the equipment is to pick one that will also grow with you, as you become more honed and able to use the equipment. This will help you avoid having to buy even more in the future and spending more money than you need to.

Another one of the tips for purchasing home gyms is to do your research. Because there are so many options out there, your best bet is to take the time to really look around. This will include trying out the different equipment to see how it works with your body. This can also encompass finding products that are in your budget. This can narrow the field down quite a bit. From there, trials should be done. This can then narrow it down to even fewer, maybe even just one. Some people choose just to stick with a treadmill or exercise bike to start with. This can be a great idea for many people, since these are the simplest and can be adjusted, as you get better at using the equipment and into better shape.

A few more tips for purchasing home gyms includes looking at garage sales and yard sales. Sometimes you can find a great deal in one of these areas, as well as in the classifieds in the local paper. This can save you a lot of money in the long run. As well as saving money, you will want to choose a home gym that works with your lifestyle. This means you want one that is easily accessible if you have a hectic lifestyle. One that will allow you to get a good workout, even in a short amount of time is what you want.

If you are looking for a home gym, following these tips for purchasing home gyms will help you get the best deal. Not only can following these tips help you get the best deal, but you will feel that you are getting a better workout in the end as well.

Check out http://www.1-stop-fitness.com for articles on refurbished precor ellipticals and discount rowing machines

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How Do You Rate Home Gyms?

There are several different aspects you should look at when it comes to rating home gyms. Different people tend to rate home gyms differently. It really depends on what your personal goals and what you are looking to get from your workout.

This is the main thing that influences rating home gyms and how you do so. Besides this main influence there are some other things as well. Let's take a closer look at some of the other things that can influence how people rate their gym equipment.

Sometimes people will be rating home gyms by how hard a workout they can give. Not only what they can give, but also what they can take from the user. Others want the opposite and how easy it is to use. How easy the workout is. Not only the ease of the workout, but let's say you do more than one exercise on the piece of equipment. Some users like the ease of switching between the different exercises. This aspect can be the most important for some.

A really good way to begin rating home gyms is the quality of the gym. This depends a lot on craftsmanship of the equipment as well. The user rates the craftsmanship on how well it holds up after several normal workouts. The better the craftsmanship the better it will hold up with regular use. While the worst craftsmanship is, the worst it will hold up under regular use and the more likely it will break down quickly. This is definitely a very important aspect in judging how well the equipment is.

To get a good overview on how others and how they are rating home gyms, is to ask. Ask around with friends and family members who have home gyms. Especially ask those people whom you admire for what they have accomplished from their workouts. By getting a lot of opinions, you will find that you may have a better overview of everything. This can help you make a more informed and better decision. Once you ask around you may find one or two that are consistently mentioned. You should check these out personally if possible. You should test the equipment if possible as well. This helps you know whether the equipment is right for your personally.

Once you look around and find the gym that is right for you, you will see that rating home gyms really depends on many different factors. Once you look and take into consideration all these factors, you will be a lot more confident in your final decision. Armed with this information, you will be glad in the end, that you took it into consideration.

Check out http://www.1-stop-fitness.com/ for articles on refurbished precor ellipticals and exercise equipment rowing machine

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Stop Kidding - No Home Gyms Allowed

Home Gyms

Not long ago my wife went shopping for home gyms. No not for her but of all people for me. I was devastated. The idea, me exercise? I sit and work at the computer all day and that's plenty of exercising for me. I told her we didn't have room and the (2) extra bedrooms were for visitors besides. Nevertheless off she went and darned if a couple weeks later she drug one home. A home gym - of all things!

My wife was telling me that the convenience of privacy at home, no driving and time efficiencies is what I really would enjoy. Humbug! She also discussed her goals for me and frankly I was impressed. Lose 20 lbs or else! Else what? Rabbit salads and vinegar for life.

She also told me that in making her decision she considered our budget, room available, weight based or rubber band machines and relative versatility. I told how appreciative I was of here thoughtfulness.

She assured me I wouldn't need the motivation that a real gym provides, nor would we miss the room lost, and that putting the thing together would be a blast. Also, just because I wasn't surrounded by other hard exercising chargers my tendency to be lazy and slack off wouldn't be a factor.

Thus far, the only thing that's lost weight is my wallet but I'm assured perseverance would prevail.

Before starting that home exercising program I suggest seeing your doctor to check on your health condition and your brain because when you're grand kids see you trying to do your thing they'll think you lost your mind.

Having home gyms is probably a pretty good idea and I for one am all for it. My grandson looks so fit now he can't keep the girls away from him. Boy, am I glad I have a grandson.

You gotta be kidding about home gyms

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Reviewing Weider Home Gyms

Weider Home Gym

For most of us non-professional body builders the Weider Home Gyms can be a great addition to our exercising needs. Driving times, busy and active schedules makes this product a must have tool in the convenience of your own home. These gyms are not cheap but still priced much more aggressively than many of its counterparts. It may not be the best (not sure what that would require) but for most of us it provides all the features we need. Never has a exercise routine and regime been easier to maintain using the weider home gym.

With the busy schedules, meetings, places to go and etc it seems that the home euipment is going to be a larger and larger part our of lives. Jump out of bed and boom you're ready to exercise and with convenience as well. We can even turn on some audio for companshiop and motivation.


1.) High Pulley--Allows for fine tuning of your lats and back.

2.) Seat Material: 4-Position, Adjustable, Ergonomic--Perform a variety of different exercises with this adjustable bench, complete with an ergonomic, comfort-padded design.

3.) Adjustable Back--Allows you to adjust the back for increased support.

4.) Number of Stations: 3 Stations

5.) Length: 80 Inches

Product Description:

As Seen On TV. The Weider? Cross Bar Gym showcases a revolutionary CRS resistance system that delivers a full range of motion, for maximum strength training results. The Compound Resistance System provides a full 240 lbs of resistance (upgrades to 440 lbs) to accommodate any user. Enjoy the perfect weight distribution for any workout with the included bars, and add aerobic exercise to your workout with the built-in rowing seat.

Most equipment can be found on the internet and can be purchased as new or used. You needn't fear your choice as most all the fine folks that sell these products do a nice job in preparing these products for your satisfaction. So enjoy your purchase and have fun along the way with your weider home gyms.

Home Fitness and Nutrition an awesome team

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

3 Steps For Maintaining Your Home Gym

Once you have bought a home gym, it is time to figure out how to start caring for it. Although you may not be entirely sure on how to begin, it's a good idea if you learn. This can be done easily enough with the maintenance manual that you got with this fitness equipment. This manual can be indispensable for those who want to know how to properly care for their equipment. Doing so can keep it from wearing down too soon and help it to last longer as well.

1) For example, one step that may be needed in caring for your home gym is oiling and/or greasing. This may be needed on machines that have gears. This maintenance step is required for these gears not to jam or even break. Make sure you check out your manual as soon as you get your gym equipment, in order to know if this step is necessary in the care of the machine. You will want to know this as soon as possible, so you don't miss doing so and damage your machine unnecessarily. Usually this needs to be done only once a month, but check the manual to see if they recommend how often it should be done with your particular machine.

2) Sometimes the only thing that needs to be done as far as maintenance is concerned is wiping it down. This however is a very important step in caring for your equipment. You should do this at least every time you use the machine. This will prevent sweat and grime building up on the machine and causing damage. Sometimes letting this build up can cause gears to break or work themselves loose, even while you are working out.

3) One last step is to make sure that all the nuts and bolts are kept tightened. This should be a routine check that you do to ensure that they are not coming loose. By letting them get too loose you could risk injury by them coming undone at a most importune time. This may seem like a hassle, but can be well worth the extra time to save you from getting hurt or someone else for that matter.

As you can tell, caring for your home gym equipment involves more than just keeping it clean. You must make sure all the gears are oiled or greased and all the nuts and bolts are kept tightened as well. You can see that keeping up these things can save you money as well as any injuries that could occur. So make sure you read the maintenance manual thoroughly and are aware of what you will need to do to start your maintenance program. You'll be glad you did.

Check out http://www.homegymsreview.com/ for more articles on homegym and home gym equipment sales

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What Is The Best Home Gym

When it comes to choosing home gyms, you may find yourself with many different decisions to make and not sure where to start. Choosing home gyms involve many different aspects to check out, this is true, but it is actually quite simple to pick one for you and your needs. There are a few main things that you should check out before you choose a gym. Focusing just on these will help simplify the search process.

First and foremost you will want to determine how much space you have for the home gym, before you begin choosing home gyms. This is because there are different gyms that will fit in different amounts of space. Some home gyms will fold up and fit just about anywhere, while some have tons of equipment and require a lot of space. Once you have decided on the size you can use for your home gym, you will have narrowed down what you can buy. Then it is just up to you to choose from among those that will work with the space that you have.

Getting recommendations from friends, family and even your doctor will help you when choosing home gyms. That way you will have a few ideas of certain gyms to check out. This should narrow your search down even further. Make sure you let your doctor know exactly what your goals are and they should be able to recommend some equipment that will work with your personal goals and needs. Also make sure you ask friends and family members that have had some of the same goals as you, in order to pick some equipment that will work with yours as well.

Lastly when it comes to choosing home gyms, you will need to set up a budget. This will let you to further narrow down the equipment that you are looking at. Once you determine how much you can spend, you should be down to one or two choices. Make sure you thoroughly check out the equipment before you buy. Ask if you can try out the equipment as well. Sometimes a local gym may have similar equipment and you can use it there to see if you like how it works with you and your needs.

Choosing home gyms doesn't need to be complicated. Taking some of these simple things and keeping them in mind while you shop should make it quite simple. Once you find the home gym you need, you will be well on your way to a healthier life and all the looking will have been worth it.

Check out http://www.homegymsreview.com for more articles on marcy home gyms and discount home gym

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Having a Cheap Home Gym Doesn't Mean You Have to Cheat Your Muscles From a Great Workout Routine

Have you noticed that going to the local gym is usually frustrating? Sitting, walking around and waiting for an available exercise machine or to use a free dumbbell. That?s because you?re supposed to be doing a workout routine, instead of just sitting around and watching someone else getting into shape.

Having a home gym is a perfect way to make sure that you get to do what you really want and when you want to do it. However, a good question is how much do you want to spend on your home gym to gain the freedom of convenience?

The fact is, building a comprehensive home gym can be a costly process. If you?re a true fitness enthusiast, a gym?s yearly contract might be a cheaper choice versus putting up a decent home gym. However, if you?re a real gym workout person, then you?re fairly lucky because there are a few inexpensive gym accessories that will make your own home gym workout a very good experience.

An ideal home gym consists of various smaller weights that you can use in your routine exercise to help develop more strength. And a home gym would not be complete without a cardiovascular meter to check on your heart rate during your routines. You?ll be able to handle the price of these since they won?t cost you thousands of dollars, rather much, much less.

To get some cheap home gym equipment you should first look for on-sale fitness gyms and today it is easy to find them. As the home fitness market continues to be more competitive, quite a lot of retailers offer innovative items at considerably low sale prices usually taking hundreds of dollars off the actual retail costs.

An extra bonus to shopping online is the free shipping deals that are offered by many websites today to help them stay competitive with various offline retail stores thereby sparing you even more money. These on-sale items regularly include various quality levels of every type of home fitness gym imaginable, so you should be able to find what you?re looking for on sale from various online shops.

Additionally, well-kept but used home gyms are cheap options for budget shoppers. Quite a few websites feature used home gyms equipment. Some can also be found in most newspapers? classified sections or from many retailers that sells home gyms. Most of these gym machines are in brand new condition, since they are were just slightly used and because the past owners were perhaps just desperate to sell them and so heavy discounts are possible many times.

Remember, it is important to buy from a reliable and reputable retailer. You have to consider that not all used equipment will have similar warranties as brand new home gym machines. As much as possible, you should stick to well established online stores. If you decide on getting a used machine from local retailers, then make sure you check on the quality of what you?re buying before spending a dime.

The steadfast and dedicated bargain seeker will surely find their desired cheap home gym. On-sale home gyms, used home gyms, as well as discounted home gyms, all offer good options for the price conscious customer. Most websites provide shoppers the opportunity to compare costs online, helping you grab the perfect deal for your situation.

With these money-saving options, people won?t have to settle for any low cost home gym that simply does not meet their needs. Consumers should keep in mind of their body fitness goals, besides the cost, and keep looking until they find the perfect workout machine that suits their budget and their specific exercise needs.

For more key information about home fitness machine advice, try visiting YourFitnessInfo.com where you will discover more tips and advice on Winsor Pilates workouts, the best home gym equipment, elliptical trainers and home gym fitness equipment.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What is the Very Best Home Gym?

The best home gym will be the one that has all of the equipment you need to reach your fitness goals. As such, there is no one exercise machine or group of machines that is ideal for everyone.

If you have made the decision to purchase exercise equipment for your home, make sure you do your research first. There is a host of information available online, from manufacturer sites to enthusiast sites to forums where consumers who have purchased and used different equipment sound off on the pros and cons.

Fortunately you can find some of the best home gym equipment online, as dozens of top manufacturers offer their wares on their own sites as well as licensed dealer sites. Often online prices will beat those offline, saving you not only the time it takes to visit a sporting goods store but also a good deal of money.

The first step in selecting the best home fitness gyms for your particular situation is to decide what your fitness goals are. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to gain muscle? Are you looking for a cardiovascular workout or do you just want to lift weights? Determining your fitness goals an important part of the home gym buying process.

Next, figure out how much space you have to dedicate to your home gym. You may have size/weight restrictions to contend with. Once you have made this determination, look for equipment that will fit the space comfortably with room to move around. More importantly, make sure it will fit through your door and into the room where it will be used, otherwise you have a problem.

Finally, before you start your search for the best home gym equipment figure out what your budget is. Although higher cost does not necessarily mean better equipment, the better quality machines will be more costly than the basic units found in bulk item stores and on infomercials. Keep in mind that it will make sense to choose a better unit, as it will last much longer and probably require less maintenance.

When you're ready to start searching, go with well known brands that have been in business for a long time. Avoid the bargain brand home gyms because they usually don't provide a full workout, and they are made of subpar materials that will likely break over time. If you are looking for a strictly cardio workout, go with a treadmill or elliptical machine. If space is tight, opt for an all-in-one home gym like a Bowflex. If you have more room, opt for dumbbells and a couple of machines, perhaps a cable crossover or pulldown machine. Make sure you are able to target all muscle groups to ensure a complete workout.

The best home fitness gym will include all of the machines you need to get the body you want. So first, figure out what you want to achieve, determine your space and budgetary restrictions, and start looking for the best home gym for you.

Michael Browne has been studying the exercise industry for a number of years. He is a contributor to many health sites, including the Best Home Gyms section of http://www.fitness-events.com, which focuses on tips for purchasing equipment for your home gym.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Buy A Home Gym

Television advertisers are forever taunting us with newer, easier and more effective ways to work out. Buxom and brawny models make the equipment look as though it's doing he work for them. But like all things, if workout equipment looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Before you buy a home gym, there are many sources of information to consult. Pick up a fitness magazine, research on the Internet, or ask for advice at an exercise equipment store or fitness center. The simple fact is that you are the only one that can really decide just what kind of home gym you'd like to use. Shop around to find the best equipment available to help you achieve the body you'll want to see in the mirror every day.

Setting personal goals is important, but make them realistic goals. Don't buy a home gym in hopes of working away the pounds until you reach the perfect size four. Many size fours are not all that healthy. See your doctor for a complete physical, and have him or her conduct a body fat analysis to determine your ideal weight. If you have health concerns, your doctor might suggest that you workout in a supervised facility where your progress and activity are monitored. Only after you have set realistic, achievable goals should you set out to buy equipment.

When you're ready to buy a home gym, make sure it's one that will grow with you. Avoid buying an expensive all-in-one unit that you'll outgrow in a few months. It's a good idea to start with the basics. If you're new to exercising, buy an exercise bike or treadmill to start getting in to shape. An inexpensive total home gym is another option. These are available in most department and fitness stores. Check your local newspaper, as you can often find home gyms listed in the classified section.

Finally, your lifestyle needs to factor in to your buying decision. If your life is already hectic, don't kid yourself into believing you'll have time to workout on a huge system. You might be better off with a bicycle for commuting to work, and a set of personal barbells to keep by your desk at the office.

Don't be fooled by exercise equipment that looks too good to be true. Achieving personal fitness goals takes time, dedication and hard work, and no fitness gizmo will do the job for you. Shop around before you buy a home gym. You'll be a stronger person for it.

James Anderson is a writer for several popular online magazines, on recreation and sports and fun hobbies topics

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Smith Machine Home Gyms - How Fast Can You Say Versatility

The Smith machine is the most popular of all the gym equipment on the market. This article provides you with information about this exercise equipment. Many people feel that the Smith machine is the best exercise equipment on the market. The reason for this is the versatility of such a machine for targeting most of the muscles in the body during a workout. Combining the use of this machine with dumbbells and free weights can give you a complete body workout.

If you have a good machine it will be counter balanced and easy for you to control. This takes you attention off keeping your balance and allows you to concentrate on the exercises. The smoothness of the movements puts very little strain on your muscles so there is less chance of an injury or strain. If you want to lift weights, this machine enables you to do so without the use of a spotter to help you.

You can do multiple exercises on this machine. Some of these are: squats and lunges for your legs; shoulder press for delts; shrugs for the traps; flat or incline bench press for the chest; bent over rows for the back and close grip bench press for the triceps. Using this machine for your exercise routine helps you to run the full gamut of exercises for the entire body.

You can have your own machine at home if you want would rather exercise at home than at the gym. Even though it would be cheaper to pay a gym membership, having your own piece of equipment allows you to workout at home in private whenever you want.

Check out http://www.1-stop-fitness.com for articles on smith machine home gyms and rowing machines for home.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Are Home Gyms Really The Best Option For You?

Busy people don?t have much time for leisure, nor for long trips traveling on the road. Busy people spend most of their time at work and at home. But it doesn?t mean that they should not make any effort to get a good exercise workout. Not when you can have your very own gym at home. In fact, you can have a total workout with just one piece of exercise equipment.

It's your choice, a home gym or a commercial gym. If you watch television, perhaps you've noticed the ads airing from some of the major commercial gyms. They often encourage club memberships saying this ensures you?ll get excellent workout results. Some people, including some famous movie stars, claim that by having a home gym you can actually get better results.

There are several factors that you should look into before choosing between a home gym and a commercial gym. Both have their advantages, as well as disadvantages. In the end, you will still be the one to choose no matter what other people might say.

  • Money and Time Saver

Traveling to and from the gym consumes time and energy. If you have a home gym, you can save money because you can cut back on you gas costs and you don?t have to pay for monthly club fees or continuous membership dues. When you get home from work, you can rest for a while and then do your exercise at your convenience.

  • Choose your own work out schedule

It's pretty rare to find any commercial gym that is open day and night. And the truth is it's not everyday that you're in the urge of getting a workout. By having a home gym, you can work out any time of the day or night you choose and regardless of the weather. So even if there is a thunderstorm outside, you can still do your workout inside the house.

  • Better environment

If you join a commercial gym, you have to bear with all the distractions. It's common to see a number of people in the gym working out. There are those who flex their muscles, while others flaunt their sexy bodies. These distractions can be discouraging, especially if you do want a thorough body workout. And here's the clincher, even if you can't get the workout you like, you will still have to pay for it.

But with having your own home gym, it lets you create your own environment, one that is best for you and your situation. You can play your favorite music or you can watch your favorite TV show/movie while doing your workout. Plus there are people who don?t like to be watched when they exercise. And so they will benefit greatly from using a home gym.

So what do you think? Will you go for a home gym or a commercial gym? Staying at home and doing your workout has its advantages. But there is still one thing. The exercise equipment is very important. Today, you can actually find a single machine which can provide you with the needed workout. There are different brands like Body Craft, Weider, NordicTrack and other home gym machines. Most of them are reasonably priced. Besides, you will only need to buy one or two equipments just once, and you get to use it for many years thereafter. There are even brands which offer a lifetime warranty.

So what are you waiting for? Shop around and find that home gym equipment that you will need.

For more helpful information about using home fitness machines and exercise program methods, simply visit YourFitnessInfo.com where you will discover more tips and advice on elliptical exercise workouts, the best home exercise equipment, exercise bikes and home gym fitness equipment.

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'Stamina Bandflex Home Gym Reviews' - Should I Get A Bowflex Instead?

An affordable alternative to the Bowflex is the Bandflex Home Gym. The Bandflex Home Gym uses a series of 6 bungee cables with three on each side to give you the resistance you need in your weight training.

You stretch and pull these cables as you lift. A quick snap click lets you change the resistance levels to match your experience level and needs. In comparison to the Bowflex, this home gym seems to have more appealing features for far less money. There are 67 different exercises you can do and it is offers up to 260m pounds of resistance.

The Bandflex Home Gym consists of a multi-position bench, which of course is adjustable and a bench press. It has a lat pulldown for your back and triceps. For your legs, it features a leg curl, a leg press and a leg extension to give a workout for all the muscles.

There is a preacher curl attachment you can use for your biceps and a seated row for your back and shoulders. A simple adjustment of the pin lets you move through the exercises easily. It also takes up much less space and can be folded for easy storage.

The bungee cables of this machine tend to stretch and gradually get too long for then to be of any use to you. This means you will have to purchase replacement cables for the equipment.

OVerall, we do recommend the Bandflex home gym instead of the Bowflex. But, do bear in mind the pointers above and you will be have very satisfied with your purchase.

Check out http://www.1-stop-fitness.com/ for articles on yoga mats 1/4 and olympic weight benches.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Free Pilate's Workout At Home No Gyms, No One One Bothering You and No Problems

Pilate's have become a main stream form of fitness and exercise. The movements of Pilate's can slim tone, and give you a more flexible body. Invented by Joseph Pilate in the early 1900's the Pilate's movements provide a good exercise routine that combine both physical and mental conditioning.

Once you learn the Pilate's movements you are free. A Pilate's workout at home is very effective. It frees you from gym memberships, buying lots of equipment, and you have the freedom to do the exercises whenever you please.

As you begin your Pilate's at home training you'll find many ways to help you learn. Videos, online classes, and even books on Pilate's are easily available to help you being your Pilate's training.

After just a few sessions of Pilate's you'll begin to see results. If you haven't exercised in a while or even if you're a fitness buff, the Pilate's method will work for you. The main key is to correctly learn the movements and how to perform them.

The Pilate's Dance

Much as a fluid dance, Pilate's movements are designed to flow one to another. Each specific Pilate's exercise should be performed in fluid, non-jerky motions. Sculpting, toning, weight loss, and increased flexibility are all benefits of Pilate's

Pilate movements are gentle and very effective. Each Pilate movement has a name. Here's a sample of a Pilate's exercise:

The Ballerina Arms - sit cross-legged on the floor. Straighten your spine as though you're resting against an imaginary wall. Bend the elbows at ninety degrees. Without hyper-extending take your arms back to connect the shoulder blades. Take the arms down as the shoulder blades slide down your spine. Raise the arms above your head. Return to the starting position.

Pilate's exercises offer many benefits other than simply fitness. They are known to help the alignment of your body. They stretch and strengthen your body. Weight loss is another benefit. In general you will have increased energy levels, and a sense of well being, along with a toned, well tuned body. Many professional sports and fitness trainers incorporate Pilate's with their training.

For the average person Pilate's is a great way to get and stay in shape all from the convenience of your home. It doesn't require great equipment or even a large amount of space.

Study and learn how to perform the movements effectively and you have all you need for a lifetime of Pilate's joy.

Here are some tips for beginner pilate exercise and if you also need some free pilates mat exercises then click on over to Mike Herman's site http://www.ThePilatesSolution.info and find what you need.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Bully Xtreme Home Gym Review

If you are into seriously increasing your strength, want bigger muscles or just want that body builders body but don't have a lot of time? The the Bully Xtreme Home Gym is just right for you!

This amazing Bullworker type home gym created by a former U.S. Army Ranger and fitness expert, Frank Sherrill, it's a virtual walk through an easy to use portable muscle building Bullworker type device. A home gym that offers simple and proven methods of burning body fat and building your muscles. The Bully Xtreme Home Gym is not just another marketing hype or expensive home gym. It's truly a revolutionary way to train and get this, with it's unique training system you can get an entire body workout in only 7 minutes a week.

It's a home gym and training program that helps you step by step, build muscle and if you like, also lose weight ? the healthy way.

If you have tried Isometrics, Static Contraction or any bodyweight exercise programs, the Bully Xtreme home gym with it's scientifically proven training system, will increase your muscle building results by 1000%. Reports of Bully Xtreme owners; including myself, of tripling their strength in less than 3 weeks are very common.

The Bully Xtreme home gym also helps you out with losing body fat and cardio fitness. The training system's simple words ring with truth and are written in a lucid style aimed at ?dummies?.

The best part is Frank Sherrill reveals the natural and healthy ways of adding inches of muscle to your arms, shoulders, chest, back and legs, while at the same time developing a ripped 6 pack abs. Without any of the risks associated with free weights.

Using a scientifically proven training system he gives you a paint-by-the-numbers simple, training program and nutrition/fat sucking system.

The Bully Xtreme home gym offers:

* Up to 600 lbs of muscle building resistance

* 82 health club type exercises that can be easily done

* Portable home gym, fits any where and weights less than 5 pounds.

* A complete state of the art training system and muscle building nutrition program

* A proven muscle builder with over 40 years of SUCCESS.

* A full 5 year warranty

The Bully Xtreme training system lets you in on some of the secrets of Natural body builders. There may be many body builders who use steroids to pump up their muscles. Using drugs may work but the side effects are usually not worth it and too dangerous. But if you use the training techniques in Bully Xtreme Muscle Up book, then you will be following the natural way ? no drugs , just pure scientific method of of building muscle and nutrition. So you not only benefit from great looking body but also your body is free from all toxins and drugs that devastate in the long run!

The moment you say bodybuilding, women naturally shy away. The Bully Xtreme home gym can be used by anyone any age. The resistance ranges from 10 to 600 lbs so any one, any age can get muscle building, stomach flatting results! So whether you are a man or a woman, the training program works for both with great results for both genders.

Do you know how I got attracted to Bully Xtreme Home Gym? The sheer ease of use and the no B.S. style of building muscle of it's creator.

He has achieved so much since his horrific free weight accident in the gym and has created a safe, easy to use, portable home gym that any one can use. And he stands behind it's sale with free personal coaching and motivational support.

Keeping in true spirit of the U. S. Army Rangers, the author offers multiple benefits to buyers of his Bully Xtreme Home Gym. With the the Bully Xtreme home gym you get a free subscription to ?Bully Xtreme Muscle Up Newsletter?, 18 free bonuses, free software to track your results. Whether you want to get huge like a bodybuilder or you just want a "fitness model" type of body , this software walks you threw it. It's easy to use and a great way to motivate yourself too.

What are you waiting for, get the Bully Xtreme Home Gym, The strongest Bullworker type muscle builder on the market to day and start building that body of your dream. I did!

Bert Hern, is an attorney, a purple belt in Gracie Jiu-jitsu and an Isometrics, static Contraction buff. Having used the Bully Xtreme to increase his strength and muscularity he nows take pride in taking his shirt off. To learn more about the Bullworker Bully Xtreme or get a free report here http://www.bullyxtreme.net

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Weider Home Gym - A Great Fitness Machine

Buying a Weider home gym means buying an excellent fitness product at half the cost of other exercise machines. Weider makes sturdy, excellent fitness equipment for a low cost. Their equipment is built as well as commercial equipment is, but it is created for home use, which results in lower costs. Weider home gyms have been the name in home gym fitness centers for years. There are a number of excellent pieces of equipment Weider makes to meet your fitness vision.

Weider Pro 9635 Home Gym

This fine piece of Weider exercise equipment has everything you need to develop your major muscle groups. Its eight stations include a bench press, butterfly arms, a leg developer, a high and low pulley system, a military press, a leg press, and a vertical knee raise. It has three hundred and sixty pounds of maximum resistance, and durable vinyl cushioning that will last the life of the center.

Weider Boxing Gym

This complete Weider home gym offers a great workout with a number of boxing features for added dimension. Boxing can provide you with health benefits you may have previously overlooked like hand-eye coordination, response time, and extra muscle tone. Boxing can also be a great way to work on your self-defense techniques in our increasingly dangerously society. This complete system has a forty pound punching bag, a speed bag, a chest press, a leg developer, butterfly arms, and a low pulley. Whew, talk about a complete system. It's patented plate loader system helps speed your workout up to get you out of the gym and enjoying your life.

Weider Pro 2200 Strength Trainer

This model offers a compact presentation with everything you might need in a home fitness gym including high and low pulleys, a chest press, padded butterfly arms, lat bar, padded leg developer, and an ankle strap. This Weider product, like most, also features an exercise chart to help you begin building your ideal workout.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of a home gym website providing reviews of the best proform treadmills and fitness equipment including, treadmills, ellipticals and dumbbells from top brands including Proform, Precor, Total Gym, Smooth, Weider and more

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Shopper's Guide to Home Gyms for Sale

Nowadays, home gyms for sale are ten a dozen, thanks to the growing trend of health consciousness. Although choosing from the many home gyms for sale may seem easy at first glance, this decision should be given more careful consideration as it?s a decision that will not only cost you a pretty penny but one you may be stuck with for the rest of your life.

Always remember to consider the following factors when shopping for home gyms for sale:

What Do You Wish to Improve?

Be specific when it comes to listing your fitness goals. What are the exact parts of your body that you wish to improve? Are you interested mainly in getting rid of excess fat or are you hoping to develop eye-popping-muscles? Are you interested in a total body workout or do you wish to only concentrate on certain parts of your body?

Traditional vs. Non-Traditional Exercise

Which type of exercise do you have more fun doing: traditional ? which consists of using regular exercise machines and free weights ? or non-traditional (Pilates, yoga, aerobics, etc.)?

The answer to this shall determine what type of home gym you?d need.

How Much Space do You Have?

Naturally, if only a portion of the living room is allotted for your personal gym, there?s no point in purchasing large exercise equipment that would barely fit in the door. Always remember to take note of how much space you have and use these measurements to determine the best home gym set to purchase.

How Much Money Are You Willing to Spend?

And last but not least, is the all-important question of money: How much do you wish to spend on your personal gym? Determining your budget constraints will enlighten you as to which home gym sets are possibilities for you and which are off-limits.

Home Gyms provides detailed information on Home Gyms, Cheap Home Gyms, Best Home Gyms, Home Gyms Review and more. Home Gyms is affiliated with Fitness Equipment Financing.

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Short Guide to Home Gym Financing

If you're feeling oppressed and pressured by the ever-increasing membership fees of fitness clubs, why not consider building your own fitness hub in the comfort of your home instead? And if you feel that your pockets are too strained to take yet another beating, have you ever considered asking for home gym financing?

Home gym financing falls under the category of home improvement. It is certainly one of the most popular reasons why people approach loan companies today. The need to exercise is great, and being able to exercise at home with the best gym equipment is an ideal solution to all your fitness problems.

If you wish to apply for home gym financing, here are some tips to improve the chances of your application gaining a quick approval:

Be Practical

Before approaching any mortgage or loan company, be sure that you already know EXACTLY what you wish to buy for your personal gym at home. Be practical when choosing the exercise equipment you're about to purchase, and don't focus too much on the high-end models, as that will just make your application all the more difficult to process.

Know Your Credit Rating

If your SAT score is what determines your collegiate future, it's your credit rating, on the other hand, that holds your fate in the world of financing. To know your credit rating, try to obtain a copy of your credit report first.

In there, you?ll know whether you have a good credit rating which generally automatically gives you the privilege of having a pre-qualified-loan or a bad one. The next step will tell you what to do if the latter holds true in your case.

Fixing Bad Credit

If you're unlucky enough to have a low credit rating, the best thing to do is either enlist the services of a credit repair company OR get help from your local credit counseling center. Whichever the case, it's imperative that you fix your credit first before approaching any loan company for your home gym plans.

Home Gyms provides detailed information on Home Gyms, Cheap Home Gyms, Best Home Gyms, Home Gyms Review and more. Home Gyms is affiliated with Fitness Equipment Financing

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Buying a Home Gym: DIY or Package

When you're in the process of buying a home gym, you'll no doubt find yourself concerned with the associated pros and cons of whether to design your own fitness hub or simply purchase a complete, pre-made set. Keep in mind that when setting up a home gym, it's essential that you consider your budget and your fitness needs.

What you do and how you do it is up to you.


PROS: It's always more fun when you're setting up your home gym by yourself because you get to choose exactly what equipment you'll be using. When you buy pre-arranged sets, there's always a chance that you'll find one or two pieces of equipment that you don't necessarily like. That won't happen, of course, when you're making all the decisions.

CONS: On the other hand, doing everything by yourself can take a lot of time, and this might be something you can't afford if you've got a demanding career. Furthermore, there's a possibility that you'll end up with the wrong purchase simply due to a miscalculation on your part or ignorance if it's your first time setting up your own gym.


PROS: Packaged sets can certainly be cheaper than paying the full price for each and every exercise machine you intend to use. It's also very time-efficient, as there's no need to scour the shops to find everything you need. With a pre-made home gym, all you need to do is put forth the money, and you've got a home gym that's ready for use!

CONS: Pre-made home gyms, although possibly cheaper in the long run, could place you in debt as you're required to pay a one-time-bulk-fee. If you set up your own home gym, you can purchase exercise equipment only when you can afford to and you certainly won't be forced to pay a huge lump fee up front.

Home Gyms provides detailed information on Home Gyms, Cheap Home Gyms, Best Home Gyms, Home Gyms Review and more. Home Gyms is affiliated with Fitness Equipment Financing.

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